9 Weeks (18 games)
- 2 - 27 minute
Penalties result in
penalty shots at conclusion of game
The season will begin mid April 2025 and continue
through June 2025
Games will be played at
Clearwater Arena
No games will be played
on Victoria Day makeup date TBA
Under league specifics
games will be played Monday through Thursday between
5:00pm and 8:00pm except Wednesday which will be
from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Any request to play with
a friend must be marked down on form upon
registration (not by email)
Jersey's provided with
4 Minor penalties
results in player being ejected from game and
further review
No body checking or
fighting, will result in suspension.
Goalies could be moved
to balance teams at conveners discretion
Rules are subject to
How to Register
To register download and print the Player Registration Form
word doc
or pdf
Player Cost : $399.00 ($353.10 + 45.90 HST) Goalie Cost $275.00 ($243.36 +
31.64 HST)
family rates
2 Siblings - $750.00 (663.72 + 86.28 HST)
3 Siblings - $1050.00 (929.20 + 120.80 HST)
payments are non-refundable
When making payment please indicate on cheque or note in
E-Transfer the player(s) name.
Make Cheques Payable
Perry's Wild 3 on 3 Hockey
Mail cheque and registration form to:
Perry’s Wild 3 on 3 Hockey
c/o Robin Perry
1042 Sheffield St., Sarnia, Ontario N7S 4M1
e-transfer to