Immigrated to Canada in the late 1960’s and
came to Sarnia in 1976.
Founding member of the Sarnia Cricket Club
and member of Sarnia Ontario Cricket
Association. (SOCA)
Was instrumental in working with the city to
obtaining a home field at Huronview Park in
1980. Ramesh and his wife Joyce raised over
$80,000 over ten years to maintain the club
and the team.
Sarnia’s first ever Junior program and
involved over a period of 5 years presenting
workshops for grades 7 & 8’s in Sarnia area
schools. Over 7000 students were taught over
that period and exposed to the game of
Cricket. Ramesh also established
summer camps.
Ramesh held the position as president of
SOCA, Vice President of Ontario & 2nd
Vice President of Cricket Canada.